My Weight Loss Story

My Weight Loss Story

My Personal Weight Loss Journey

I remember standing on my scale and it reading 298 pounds! I almost had a heart attack right then and there. I was practically two pounds away from being 300 pounds but the thought of seeing the scale go to 300 penetrated my entire soul in a way I could not explain. It was my aha moment of oh shit, Bertha if you do not do something you will not live to see your next birthday.  At the time I was pre-diabetic and heading into issues with my heart and cholesterol if I did not make drastic changes. I actually began to research weight loss surgery and where I could go and get it done. I decided on Costa Rica and decided on the lap-band.  Yup I had weight loss surgery and I lost weight. I went down to about 199 and then I began to have complications. I ended up having to have emergency surgery because my band had obstructed my stomach and nothing could pass down, not 

weight loss journey fort lauderdale
weight loss journey fort lauderdale
March 2015

even water! When I woke up from surgery, I remember feeling a deep sense of  loss and I grieved for this band that had been a part of my life for almost a year. I got depressed and began to have anxiety attacks to the point that I had to start taking medication. Those meds began to blow me up again and before I knew it, I was climbing upwards of 260 pounds. It was at this moment that I finally drew a line in the sand and began to focus on the 6 inches between my ears- my MINDSET.  It was time to make permanent changes. No more yo-yo diets and no more easy fixes.  I began to learn about nutrition, I began to learn about how the body works and how each person is an individual.  I also made baby step changes- the first being just drinking more water.  I focused on just my nutrition and what I consumed. For accountability, I started a Facebook group, where every month we focused on new challenges to keep the metabolism system going.  Because I was the leader of this group, it gave me a sense of pride and I never once cheated.  I prepared meals every week and wherever I went I brought my food with me. I was determined to make a change.  For the next 9 months I lost weight and when I would hit a plateau I just reminded myself of the end goal- I wanted to be in a two piece bikini for my birthday!  And I did just that.  I lost over 160 pounds and  I reached my goal in 

March of 2025 and wore my two piece bikini.  These days, I’m passing on what I learned for myself. My primary focus is curing Obesity- I cannot stand how this country treats Obesity as a whole. We tell people to lose weight with no support whatsoever.  It is a lifelong disease and it should be treated as such.  I still battle with making sure I stay a certain size and I am always mindful of this as I gain weight.  I am not someone who has not lived this life- I have endured it and I know exactly what it takes to help you. I always tell my peeps, “This ain’t just about losing weight; it’s about wellness – head to toe. I’ve walked a mile in those shoes. And I’m right here, walking alongside you.” Every year when my birthday creeps up, I hit pause to look back. I share my heart out with gratitude, celebrating not just the body that’s transformed, but the spirit that’s caught fire within.  So listen up! My story is more than just shedding pounds; it’s about clinging to hope, and keeping that spark alive through every post, every chat. It’s about 

weight loss journey fort lauderdale